There are so many lies out there that we start to believe about ourselves. We have no value. We are not good at anything. We are not good enough. No one likes us. No one loves us. If I was happy then everything would be good. And the list could go on and on. Where do these thoughts come from?
We tend to be influenced by what we perceive the world thinks is valuable.
We should rather be feasting on the truth of what God’s word says about us.
While Jesus walked on this earth, the people that seemed to have value according to the world’s standards were the religious leaders and the wealthy. Yet, who did Jesus spend all of His time with? The tax collectors. The fishermen. The ill. The homeless.
After Jesus went back to heaven, who was it that God used to change the world with His Gospel?
The fishermen. A murderer. A tax collector.
What is the truth? God can take anyone and use them for His honor and glory and to proclaim His message which has more value than any message the world tries to get us to believe.
The question is who do you believe?
If God can take fishermen, a murderer, a tax collector, those that were ashamed of Him, and someone willing to deny Him, then what does that mean about you?
God saw these people as so valuable that Jesus came to earth to spend time with them. He came to earth to live with them and to teach them the truth.
What about the woman at the well? She was a Samaritan-that race of people that the Jews hated-Jesus spent time with this woman teaching her the truth. Not only was she a Samaritan, but she had been married multiple times. She obviously did not feel as if she had any value. If multiple men had rejected her as their wife, then she must have had no value. YET, Jesus spoke to her. The Son of God spoke to this woman who had been rejected by her multiple (5) husbands. If anyone has any reason to believe they have no value, this woman did. YET, Jesus spoke to her. She did have value. (John 4)
God wants to speak to all of us through His Word. He wants all of us to know that we have value.
He loves us so much, He demonstrated His love for us. (Rom. 5:8).
We all have a choice. We daily choose whether we will believe the truth about who God says we are or the lies that the world and Satan try to get us to believe.
What will you choose?
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