
Words for the Bride and Groom

On June 14, 2019, Danielle and Aaron were married. It was a beautiful and God honoring day. These are the words that I shared with them during the reception.


Family and Friends, thank-you so much for coming and making this day in the lives of Danielle and Aaron so special. You all have had a part in these two becoming the people that they are today. Thank-you for your part in their lives.

On November 30, 1991, Dave and I were married. After our good friend, Eric Mounts, pronounced us husband and wife, Dave and I walked out of the auditorium and into the foyer. At that moment, Dave started crying. I had never seen him cry before and I thought, “What’s wrong? Does he not want to be married?.” I have come to find out that Dave cries only at the big events in our lives, weddings, graduations, and I cry at all the little events in between.

Aaron and Danielle,

This has been a wonderful first day in your life together as husband and wife. Your marriage ceremony was God honoring and very worshipful, just as God meant for it to be as a symbol of our marriage as the church to Christ. Thank-you for leading us in worship during your beautiful wedding ceremony.

Aaron, we have been praying for you for 22 years. We didn’t know who God would send into Danielle’s life, but we knew the kind of young man we wanted God to send. We have been praying for a young man who loved God with his heart, his soul, his mind, and all his strength. We have been praying for a young man who would be a gentleman and a gentle leader for this special daughter of ours. We have been praying for someone who is kind, thankful, respectful, and thoughtful, a hard and dedicated worker who will provide for Danielle, and someone who follows Christ no matter the circumstances in life.

You, Aaron, are that answer to our prayers. Thank-you, Dan and Resa, for raising this wonderful young man. Aaron, we are so excited to welcome you into our family. Being the oldest like Danielle, you are also the guinea pig. Being in-laws is new for us, but we will happily practice on you. We may try to convert your allegiance, but if you remain an Ohio State fan we will still love you. We never want to take the place of your parents, but we would be honored if you would now call us “Dad and Mom.”

Danielle, what a treasure you are to our family. We have been preparing for this next chapter in your life for 22 years. I have tried to teach you how to cook, how to clean, how to work hard, how to care for your family, and most of all how to serve and love our Savior. I have not always done everything right, but it has been a joy to raise you and nurture you. Remember our first conversation about boys. We talked about how important it was to save your heart for that right young man. You were 12 when we had that conversation. My goal has been to model and teach to you how to be “virtuous woman who is far above rubies” taken from one of my favorite passages in Scripture, Proverbs 31. So we went and got your ears pierced and I gave you ruby earrings to help you remember how important that was. When you were 16, we went to the Dodge house and talked more about boys and what you should look for in a husband and made a list of the those qualities. We also talked about how important purity was. For about 8 weeks, we sat on the back veranda of the Dodge house and every time we sat there I reminded you that you were a princess and how valuable you were. We gave you a ruby ring to again remind you how important purity of heart and body is and also to once again remind you that “your value is far above rubies.”  It has been fun to look at your pink fuzzy notebook and see the list of qualities you wanted in your future husband. Aaron, you have all those qualities, even the blue eyes.

Just last week, Danielle, we had another conversation about being a virtuous woman and I gave you a ruby necklace. The next step is for you to not only be a virtuous woman but also a virtuous wife. “Your value is above rubies.”

Aaron and Danielle, as you start this next lifelong chapter in your lives, remember how much your family loves you. We are always here for you. Aaron, as you love Danielle like Christ loves the church she will be as Solomon says “a crown to her husband.”

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One Memory at a Time

Twenty-two years ago I held you in my arms for the first time. What a wonderful day that was. And to be honest at that point, 22 years seemed like forever.

When I held you in my arms twenty-two years ago, I was still a newlywed having only been married for 5 years. 22 years seemed like forever.

Now in two short days, I will be watching you pledge your love and devotion to Aaron. Where have the twenty-two years that seemed like forever gone?

They went one day at a time, one memory at a time.

How can I feel such joy and sorrow at the same time?  I am so excited for you and for Aaron and all that God has planned for you.

I am sad that the years that I have had you under my roof are now memories.

I want you to know that I don’t think either of us would be happy if you still lived here at 40. That has never been what I have wanted.

I am sad that the twenty-two years that seemed like forever have now slipped through our fingers never to be held again.

The beauty of this is that I am filled with such mixed emotions. Our relationship is sweet and so very precious to me. The sadness that I feel represents the beauty that exists between us.

The memories are sweet.

I remember your first smile, when you laughed, when you first started crawling and walking. I remember when you said, “I love you, Mommy.”

I remember when you asked Jesus into your heart.

Every time we went to the playground, you introduced me to your new friend. There was always a new friend to be had wherever we went. When we went to the grocery store, you wouldn’t stop saying “hi” until the other person acknowledged you and said “hi” back.

You participated in gymnastics, swimming, soccer, and finally found your passion for skating. Now that passion has turned into a passion for teaching others to love skating like you do.

Ever since you were little you have had a heart for others and a heart for serving others.

I watch you disciple others, encourage others, write notes to others, seek to bring out the best in others and my heart swells with pride as I realize how blessed I am that God gave you to be my daughter.

You will always be my daughter, but you have become so much more. You have become my friend.

On your wedding day, I will celebrate with you all of God’s rich blessings as you marry Aaron. It will be a wonderful day as you begin the next chapter of your life. You will be a beautiful bride.

May God bless you both in this next chapter of your lives. Keep treasuring each moment. Hold on to the joys that come each day and learn from struggles. Keep God first each and every day.

I love you Danielle and could not be more proud of the godly young lady you have become. I am excited for you and Aaron and the next chapter that is to come.

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A New Chapter, Not an Emtpy Nest

Have you started a new chapter in your life, only it feels empty and without any words?  Are you staring at the refrigerator and wondering when it will be full again?  Are you listening for the car in the driveway, the close of the front door, and the laughter from the other room?  Do you miss those late night conversations, when all you want to do is sleep?  Join me on my journey as I walk this road I have never walked before. Let’s figure this out together.

Not that long, my husband Dave and I announced to the world that we were expecting our first baby.  At least to us it does not seem that long. Now 22 years later, we are about to watch her graduate from college and a month later get married. It doesn’t seem possible that I have raised this young lady from a tiny helpless infant into a strong young lady who is now ready to begin her own family.  Yet, I keep asking myself what did I expect?  We don’t have these sweet little ones so they can stay under our roof and be hermits for the duration of their lives.  Rather, we have them so they can enrich our lives and the lives of those they meet. Our 3 beautiful daughters have enriched our lives and the many that they meet.

Our youngest daughter joined her sisters at Cedarville University this year.  Yes, we have 3 in college this year.  It is nice they are at the same place. It is easy to visit them.  The difficult challenge for me has been that since I home schooled all 3 of them, my life has been these girls. Thus, a new chapter of my life has begun.

It has been an adjustment for me to not have anyone to take care of, and yet there have been times that I have enjoyed the change in responsibilities. It has been with mixed emotions, I got out of bed many days when they were first gone.  I scheduled lunches with friends every day for the first 2 weeks. I had not eaten lunch by myself in over 20 years. Dave was home for supper so that was nice. Then, I traveled with Dave for business to China for two weeks.

It seems to have been a whirlwind since then.  I have traveled to see the girls at Cedarville, celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas with them. Traveled to see my parents in St. Martin then went on a cruise with Dave. I also picked up a job working as a home health care nurse. My year has been full. There has been spring break and another spring break to go. Easter break. Graduation. Everyone home for a month. The WEDDING.

This has been a full year, a good year, and a year of change

BUT, I am dreading next year. I planned so well for this year.  What will next year hold?

And at this point, God reminded me that this is where faith comes in.  God is so ready to write the pages of my life, to draw the pictures that my daughters will look at, so much of life to live what have I to fear?  What have I to dread?

Join me as I walk this new road, watch God write this new chapter, and live these years that I never dreamed about as a young girl.  What will be next?

For more information about me join me on my home page at

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