
Work or Worthless Pursuits

Whoever works his land will have plenty of bread,

But he who follows worthless pursuits lacks sense.

                                                  Proverbs 12:11


I enjoy gardening. I have posted pictures of my fence around my garden. I often take pictures of the beautiful flowers that adorn the various flower beds around our house. I enjoy seeing my hard work of trimming, weeding, fertilizing, mulching, etc. produce beautiful flowers and yummy produce. This year has been a difficult year for some of my produce. Some of my produce has done pretty well. We had a drought at the beginning of the summer so I was dutifully watering every other day. I think I planted sunflowers three different times because the seeds I planted were not growing. I finally have some coming up, but I am not sure if they will be able to bloom before the frost of winter sets in. my strawberries, black and red raspberries, and blueberries have done pretty well. We have had some green beans and some peas so far. There is nothing like eating the produce from your own garden. I am thankful that there are grocery stores because we would starve if it were up to me to supply enough food to feed us throughout the entire winter.

Our Proverb today is similar to a Proverb we studied earlier, “Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise.” (Proverbs 6:6). The ant teaches us valuable lessons about working hard. You can go back and read that blog, Go to the Ant. The ant is motivated, plans ahead, glorifies God, and has busy hands.

A hard worker will have plenty of bread. The reason that the hard worker has plenty is because he is so busy working he does not have time for worthless pursuits. In America, we have become a nation that enjoys our leisure activities. However, we are not the first or the last people to enjoy our leisure. We could take a walk through history and read about all those that have gone before us that enjoyed their leisure. They enjoyed following “worthless pursuits.”

Is it wrong to enjoy leisurely activities? No. Is it wrong to have a hobby that we enjoy doing in our free time? No. The problem is when these leisure activities begin to consume us and cause us to disregard our duties and responsibilities.

First and foremost, do your leisure activities get in the way of spending time in God’s Word and in prayer? Does your job suffer because your focus is more on putting in your time so that you can enjoy your leisure activities? Does your family suffer neglect because you are too focused on your leisure activities?

There are pursuits that are sinful in and of themselves: Pornography, gambling, gossip, etc. No matter what these are sinful.

Video games, social media, internet browsing, and other technology driven activities have become addictive in our society today and though not evil in and of themselves they have become addictive and have caused people to waste inordinate amounts of time. These are the people that lack sense.

Our time is a non-renewable commodity. These moments that we are spending on these various pursuits will never be able to be done over. We will never recapture those moments.

With the 24 hours per day you have been given, what will you spend your time doing? Will you work hard? Performing your job to the best of your ability, caring for your family, ministering to the needs of others? Will you faithfully spend time in God’s Word and in prayer? Do you use your time in a sensible or nonsensible way? Someday, we will give an account for our actions. What will God say about yours?

Posted by ddykema5@gmail.com in The Seasons of Motherhood, 2 comments
What is your aroma?

What is your aroma?

Only a few more weeks and our youngest daughter will be home from college. I love having the girls home and being able to see them every day and here about their days and make memories with them. Every time, after this daughter leaves to go back to school, I have a hard time going into her room. Not only does her room remind me of her, but the smell of her perfume always lingers in the air. When the smell of her perfume permeates my senses, I am reminded of her in an even stronger way. Sometimes, I think the smell causes me to tear up more than the sight of her room. Our senses are a strange thing.

This is a positive association I have with smell.

On the flip side, I had a different experience a few weeks ago. All day long as I went through my day, I kept smelling this smell. It smelled like fish. It didn’t seem to matter where I went or what I did, I could smell this fishy smell. I started smelling my shirt, my hair, my skin. You name it, I was smelling it. I may have even smelled my feet. Even though I could smell this fish smell, I could not figure out where it was coming from. As the day was drawing to a close, I smelled the pocket of my pants. That was where the terrible fish smell was coming from. I had accidentally washed one of my fish oil pills and it had spread its wonderful smell to the pocket of my pants.

This was obviously a very negative smell association.

As I went through my day smelling fish oil, I began to think about my life. What kind of smell/aroma was I giving off with my actions, attitudes, or words? How was I spending my time, talents, or treasure? Did these things show forth Christ or did they show forth my own selfish desires and ambitions? Am I worshipping my Savior and Lord with my life or am I worshipping the idols of my heart?

I was reminded of Ephesians 5:1, 2. “Therefore, be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”

In order to give off the sweet smell like my daughter’s perfume rather than the smell of fish oil, I need to be an imitator of God. An imitator of God, walks in love. Not only does an imitator of God walk in love but they willingly sacrifice for others. Jesus not only sacrificed His life on the cross for me, He also sacrificed His life on the cross for the thieves hanging next to Him, the Roman soldiers who crucified Him, and all the onlookers standing there that day.

Does every word, action, or attitude bring glory and honor to my Father in heaven or bring honor and glory to myself? Does the person who leaves my presence feel encouraged and challenged to look to God in heaven or discouraged?

Pastor Townsend used to remind us that we are either joy givers or joy suckers. Do you ever think that many of the decisions you make in life could be put into these two categories? Every decision that we make is reflection on who we are as a person and if we are believers, it is a reflection on our Savior.

Are you a joy giver or a joy sucker?

Let’s look at small decisions of how we spend our time, talents, and treasure. When you make a decision about going somewhere are you early, on time, or late? If someone has to wait for you because you are late, whose time is more important to you? What aroma are you giving off?

Has God given you talents and abilities that you are not using for His honor and glory? What aroma are you giving off?

The treasure that God has so generously given you, do spend your money with the thought of being a good steward with what God has given you? Or do you spend your money with your own selfish desires in mind?

Every decision we make, every word we speak, every action we do speaks of what is in our hearts. The way we spend our time, talents, and treasure gives off an aroma of being either an imitator of God or seeking after our own pleasures. Every decision we make.

Are you a sweet smelling perfume that brings smiles and sweet memories to those you leave behind or are you the stink of fish oil? I think I washed those pants about 5 different times using all sorts of different products to get rid of the smell. The fish oil did not bring about smiles and sweet memories, but rather was a lot of work to get rid of.

Ephesians 5:1, 2. “Therefore, be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”


Posted by ddykema5@gmail.com in The Seasons of Motherhood, 0 comments