
Wisdom brings Success

Proverbs 15:5 “A fool despises his father’s instruction, but whoever heeds reproof is prudent”

Proverbs 15:10 “There is severe discipline for him who forsakes the way; whoever hates reproof will die.”

Proverbs 15:12 “A scoffer does not like to be reproved; he will not go to the wise.”

Proverbs 15:22 “Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed.”

Proverbs 15:31 “The ear that listens to life-giving reproof will dwell among the wise.”

Proverbs 15:32 “Whoever ignores instruction despises himself, but he who listens to reproof gains intelligence.”

Proverbs 15:33 “The fear of the Lord is instruction in wisdom, and humility comes before honor.”


Proverbs 15 has six verses that focus on the importance and the value in listening to those that are wise. There is much to be gained from those that are willing to not just listen but to also seek out those who are wise.

Before we delve into the negative aspects of those that do not want to listen. Let’s look at the positive parts of these verses and understand what makes someone wise. Why is it that anyone should listen to someone else?

Proverbs 15:33 gives us some clues into what makes a person worth listening to.

First, the wise person fears the Lord. This fear of the Lord does not mean that the person is afraid of God, rather this person respects God. This person knows that the best answers to any of life’s problems, issues, or trials will be found in the Lord. They also recognize the sovereignty of God knowing that whatever happens in life they do not blame God for it but rather thank God that nothing is out of His control and trusting that whatever happens in life God has a plan and will use the events to help us to grow.

Another aspect of fearing the Lord is worshipping God alone. We live in a culture that does not want to worship God but rather worship any number of other things or people. Too often the things that we worship are not as easy to recognize or get rid of as the idols that are written about in the Old Testament. In the Old Testament, the people would trust in a statue to bring them rain, peace, prosperity, children, etc. When they decided to trust in God for these things rather than an idol/a statue they would smash the idols. Today, we do not set up a statue and look to it to bring us peace, hope, happiness, satisfaction, approval/attention, comfort/ease of life, security, or love. Rather, we look at any number of things or people to bring us these things. When we do not get what we want to provide us what we think we deserve we begin to experience fear, anxiety, depression, anger, or panic. We try to control all the situations that we can so that our felt needs are met. We have set up these things: peace, hope, happiness, satisfaction, approval/attention, comfort/ease of life, security, or love, as the idols in our lives. Only, they are not as easily torn down and smashed into pieces as the idols of the Old Testament.

When we worship these idols, we cannot fear the Lord. The wise seek to first and foremost worship God alone.

Second, the wise person is humble. This wise person understands that in order to fear God they must be humble. They must be willing to admit that God and His Word has all the answers in life. The humble person realizes that the only true satisfaction, peace, hope, joy, or love will come from God.

Third, because the wise person is humble, they will receive honor. A proud person demands others to honor them so they seek to control all situations so that they can be honored. A humble person never demands honor, but receives honor because of their humility. They have a gentle and quiet spirit and a soft inner strength that is honorable. This softness and gentleness never demands to be respected and honored, but they are easy to respect and honor because their gentleness is what makes them great.

The converse of the wise person is the foolish scoffer. The foolish scoffer does not fear the Lord. The foolish scoffer looks to their idols to have their needs met. They want to control all situations in life so that their needs can be met. The more they can control the situation or the other people in their lives the better chance they have at getting their felt needs met.

The foolish scoffer cannot fear God and trust God because then they would not be in control, but would have to choose to submit to God’s control and God’s sovereignty. Looking to the Bible for direction in life and seeking the wisdom of those that are wiser such as parents, those in authority, Pastors, etc.; would cause the foolish scoffer to admit that they cannot control all situations in life. To admit this would mean that they would have to humble themselves. They would have to surrender their pride and their control.

The foolish scoffer does not receive honor because they are due honor, but because they demand honor. However, this honor is not given willingly, but is rather forced from others. We see this in a domineering father or husband. He demands that situations go according to his plans, and when they do not, they get angry and yell. Lest we think it is only men that are like this, we women will attempt to control situations also by yelling or by crying and sobbing.

So the question is where do we fall? Are we wise and fear the Lord or are we foolish scoffers that close our ears in foolish pride because the only right way is our way?

Proverbs 15:22 “Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed.”

With many advisers our plans will succeed. Do we only seek the advice of those that will tell us what we want to hear, or are we willing to seek the advice of those that may give us a different opinion?

Proverbs is replete with instruction for children to listen to their parents. I know that this is not always the best as there are many parents that also do not seek out wise counsel and the way they live their life demonstrates a lack of fearing the Lord. However, there are many wise parents out there. Many parents who are seeking to make wise choices in how they raise their children and how they interact with their children. These parents willingly admit their mistakes and try to live a life that glorifies the Lord. Our parents should be part of our “advisory council.”

If you do not know if you are the wise or the foolish person, look at your life and ask those that are closest to you. Do you seek to control all situations, knocking over whoever may be in your way of you getting what you want? Are you willing to listen to those that are wise, humble, and honored?

Psalm 18:35 “…Your gentleness made me great.” Those that are wise will exemplify our Lord and be gentle in their speech and in their actions. In their gentle way of living life, they do not seek  to live life for their own pleasure but seek to glorify God and serve others.

The converse of this is Proverbs 15:12 “A scoffer does not like to be reproved; he will not go to the wise.” They live and speak harshly seeking to have others serve them. They are seeking to glorify themselves.

Are you wise or a foolish scoffer? The evidence is in your life.

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“I Hate Covid”

“I hate Covid!”  I received this text from one of my daughters recently. How many of us have had similar thoughts and sentiments? The disruption to people’s lives and their incomes is something we cannot fully wrap our heads around event though we have all lived through it. We all have our own opinions regarding what the government should and should not be doing. We all have different opinions regarding what they can mandate and what they cannot. We all have had different and varied responses over the course of this long and drawn out virus. One day we are complicit and the next day we are over it all.

So when these thoughts and feelings creep up into our thoughts and hearts of “I hate Covid!” What should our response be?

First, we must remember the most important thing about this situation and that is God is Sovereign. That was my first response to my daughter. I think the person from Scripture that we can find the most comfort in through difficult times is Job. At the end of the trials he went through he said to God, “I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.” (Job 42:2). God has a purpose in all things and we need to trust His purposes even though in our human minds they do not make sense. God’s purposes are much greater than ours. We must also remember, that nothing takes God by surprise. He knew all about this virus before it even appeared.

Over the course of the last 6 years, we have raised 4 puppies for Leader Dogs for the Blind. When we get those puppies at 7 weeks old, they are sweet and cute and cuddly. Yet, they have so much to learn. I know what their purpose is as I train them, but they do not understand their purpose. What they understand is if I sit, I get a treat. If I walk nicely on the leash, I get a treat. They function based on the rewards they receive. I know their purpose, so I train them and treat them accordingly.

God also has a purpose for each of our lives. The more we desire to submit to His will and learn what He has to teach us, the better we are to be “conformed to the image of His Son.” (Rom. 8:29). None of us like trials and tests. No one wants to go through a hard time. One of our puppies did not respond as well to the training as she should have. She resisted often the training that she needed to participate in and because of this resistance she was career changed from her original purpose to one of being someone’s pet. Her purpose at birth was to be a Leader Dog for the Blind, but because of her resistance to training her purpose changed.

God has a purpose for each of our lives. “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” (Eph. 2:10). The question is will we willingly submit to His plans and purposes or will we turn from God to try to follow after what we deem to be a better plan?

Second, we must remember to be thankful for all things. “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (I Thess. 5:18). This was my other reminder to my daughter. Be thankful. I reminded her of all the blessings she has experienced because of Covid. I think we can all think of something to be thankful for because of Covid.

As hard as this never ending Covid saga is, we must remember two things:

  1. God is Sovereign
  2. Be thankful for all things

I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving and remember to be thankful for all things and thank God for His sovereignty.

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