
Millie settles at a restaurant

While out shopping at Goodwill stores, we stopped for a lunch break. Future Leader Dog Millie was happy to be able to lay down and rest while also watching people walk past in the restaurant. While we ate our lunch, Millie layed nicely at my feet. During her time of settling, I would give her a treat. Her treats are nothing more than her dog food. At the beginning of our day together, I put some of her daily portion of dog food in a pouch that I wear around my waist. As she performs good behaviors that I want to reinforce, I will give her a treat. She also likes water, so I have a little tube that I carry water in that I also use to reinforce good behavior.

Be sure to click on the link and watch Millie settle at a restaurant

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Millie learning settle

Today, we went to downtown Grand Rapids and worked in another atmosphere for settling. There were buses, pedestrians, and many cars. It was a good atmosphere for her to be exposed to a busy downtown. We then went insidethe Amway Grand hotel and were met with a high school Michigan Leadership conference. There were high schoold students milling around everywhere we went. We walked around the lobby and walked up and down some stairs. The biggest part of our challenge was practicing settling with so much activity. People with suitcases walking around. People walking right in front of her while she had to lay still and settle. The goal is to get her to lay her head down and shift her weight on hip so she doesn’t look like she is going to spring into action at any moment. It was a good morning of practice for her, and I look forward to taking her downtown so we can practice some more.

Watch our video of Millie learning to settle


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