
A Good Name

“A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches,

And favor is better than silver or gold.”

Proverbs 22:1


Happy New Year!  Can you believe it is 2024? (Next year, we will say “Can you believe it is 2025:)  Time has a way of escaping us until one day, we realize that it is a new year. That is why we usually make our “New Year’s Resolutions.” We want this year to be different. We don’t like how last year ended, the state of our health, finances, relationships, or our spiritual condition or walk with the Lord. So we make some goals for the year so that this year does not end like last year did.

I wrote my blog posts last year walking through the book of Proverbs, and since I was not quite completed I wanted to finish it up this year. We ended last year in Proverbs 21.

What a fitting way to start this year off with Proverbs 22:1. How we live our life is our reputation, our name.

I am currently reading through the book of Genesis and have been reading about Joseph’s life. His desire to glorify God meant more to him than anything else. It meant more to him than physical pleasure (Potiphar’s wife – Gen. 39), money or an easy life (Potiphar’s wife – Gen. 39), fame or glory (prison – Gen 40). Every opportunity that Joseph had to tell His story, Joseph always told God’s story. When Potiphar’s wife accosted him his response was “How then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?” (Gen 39:9). When he had the opportunity to deliver the interpretation of the dream to the cupbearer and the baker, his response was “Do not interpretations belong to God?” (Gen. 40:8).

Two years went by and Joseph was still in prison. The cupbearer forgot about Joseph, but Joseph remained faithful to God. When the opportunity came to reveal to Pharaoh the interpretation of his dreams again Joseph’s response was “It is not in me, God will give Pharaoh a favorable answer.” (Gen. 41:16).

Who became 2nd in command to Pharaoh? Joseph. He did not pout or try to seek the glory for himself. Joseph‘s story could have been totally different if he had made different choices. The name Joseph could mean something totally different based on who he chose to glory in and the choices that ensued.

Our name means nothing until we give it meaning. How many teachers have you heard say, “I would never name my child ___________?” Why do they say that? They have had a student named that and the student was difficult and the name will always mean for that teacher the difficult student. When we name our child after someone, it is because that name brings a sense of love and fondness to our minds and bestows honor to the person the child is being named after.

Joseph was a Hebrew not an Egyptian, and yet his name and his reputation were of great honor and favor. “A great name is to be chosen over riches…” (Prov. 22:1). There were probably many other people that thought they deserved the honor that Joseph received to be the 2nd highest in command. They were probably Egyptians with great wealth and the “family name.” but Joseph had proven himself to be trustworthy. His reputation was one of dependability and honesty. He lived a life that was above reproach. When the doors were closed and no one was watching, Joseph was still going to do the thing that honored God.

So as 2024 lays before us. We still have about 350 days left to change who we are. There is still time to have your name mean favorable, honest, dependable, high regard, and good. When you get to December 31, 2024, what do you want said about you and your year?

If we are going to be like Joseph, we must care only what God has to say about us because He is the only One that can see us at all times. He knows the thoughts and intentions of our hearts. (Heb. 4:12, 13). He sees us even when no one else does, and His approval is truly the only approval that matters. When we honor and glorify the Lord and represent Him well, we will receive favor.

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