
Unbind the Folly Through Training

“Train up a child in the way he should go;

Even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Folly is bound up in the heart of a child,

But the rod of discipline drives it far from him.”

Proverbs 22:6, 15


Children! Sunday (January 20, 2024) was Sanctity of life Sunday. We had a baby dedication at church on Sunday morning and ten families dedicated their babies to the Lord. It was a beautiful sight to see. Children are a blessing from the Lord! This dedication service is more for the parents than it is for the children. This ceremony is a commitment by the parents that they will “raise up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” (Eph. 6:4b). Eph. 6:4b is a command given to us by the Lord that takes time, prayer, and patience to follow.

The definition of a Proverb is a short sometimes pithy saying that states a general truth or piece of advice. So our Proverb today gives us a piece of advice and a general truth.

Let’s start by looking at Proverbs 22:15 “Folly is bound up in the heart of a child.” Folly is the same thing as foolishness. Folly is a lack of good sense. Foolishness is lacking good judgement. A child has many things to learn. They need to be taught how to read, write, do math problems, understand chemistry, how to drive a car, etc. They also need to be taught that the stove is hot and we should not touch it. A road is a dangerous place and we need to watch out for cars. Frozen ice may or may not be safe to walk on (there are still adults that are learning this lesson.)

From a biblical perspective, we have to teach our children how to live their lives according to God’s Word. Children do not have to be taught to serve their own interests. Rather, they have to be taught to serve others, deny themselves, and worship God. Our natural inclination is to love and serve ourselves because we are all born with a sin nature (Rom 3:23). Sin is luring and seductive telling us that if we satisfy our desires, we will be happy.

A child does not have to be taught not to share their toys, rather they must be taught to share. A child does not have to be taught disobedience, rather they must be taught obedience. Selfishness, disobedience, lying, stealing, pride, etc. is folly and as the Proverb says it is bound up in the heart of a child. We as parents have to do the work of unbinding this folly that is in their hearts. We must work at training them and teaching them that even though their selfishness satisfies for a moment, it will not bring long term satisfaction.

How many times do we ever want just one cookie or one candy bar? We have one and think that will satisfy, but it only feeds our thirst and desire for more. Why do people struggle with addictions? Because one is never enough. One never satisfies.

Training takes time, energy, focus, intentionality, prayer, Bible reading, and modeling. If we want our children to be kind, we must teach them kindness and also demonstrate kindness. If we want our children to have self-control, control their anger, and be gentle, then we must demonstrate self-control and gentleness. If we want our children to follow the Lord, then we must demonstrate so they can see us reading God’s Word and spending time in prayer. We could add many more things to the list, but you get the picture.

Our children’s natural inclination is to follow their selfishness. So is ours for that matter. We must be diligent trainers. If we allow our children to follow their natural bent, that is the kind of person they will be when they are adults. We have been given the responsibility to train our children in the Lord.

We all want a guarantee that if we do the right things we will have perfect children. There are many examples in the Bible of godly parents having ungodly children and ungodly parents having godly children. So what do we do as parents?

We will one day stand before God and give an account of how we lived our lives and how we raised our children. What our children do as adults is something they will have to give an account of before God. As parents we must live our lives to the glory of God, our children have the same responsibility. How we trained them while they were under our care is what we must give an account for, how they live as adults is what they must give an account for.

Be diligent in training your children and unbinding the folly that is in their hearts.

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To Know and Receive Wisdom

I have been reading the book of Proverbs every day for many years. I know that I have been reading one chapter a day for as long as we have lived in our current home, so that would be six years. The book of Proverbs was written by Solomon, the wisest of men. God asked Solomon what he wanted, and rather than asking for great riches or great power Solomon asked God for wisdom. (I Kings 3:5-14).

I have been reading the book of Proverbs along with other books of the Bible desiring to become wise. I ask God so often to give me wisdom, and yet I still feel so foolish. I know there is still so much more for me to learn and know. There is so much more for me to understand. One of the things that I do know is that I learn best by studying and then teaching what I learn to others.

It has been a while since I have consistently written my blog. Part of me has not known what to write about, and part of me decided that I was too busy. We will know as time goes by if this will continue to be a priority, or if it will fall by the wayside. So many things I enjoy doing and that clamor for my time.

Please, begin this study of Proverbs with me through this blog. I want to learn out loud if you will. As I learn and share the way of wisdom that God is teaching me, won’t you come along with me and learn.

The Proverbs of Solomon, son of David, King Israel:

To know wisdom and instruction, to understand words of insight,

To receive instruction in wise dealing, in righteousness, justice, and equity;

To give prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the youth” (Proverbs 1:1-4)


The first thing I notice as I look at these verses is how each verse starts: to know, to receive, to give.

In order to give, we must first know and receive. The purpose of Proverbs is to become wise. I am pretty sure not too many people walk around saying, “I want to be a fool.” Most people would willingly admit that they want to be wise.

What is the requirements for being wise? “To know and to receive.” Before we can give out wisdom, we must be humble and respectful and willing to take in wisdom, instruction, and understanding.

How do we become wise? By listening. As we read through the book of Proverbs, the word listen or hear is used 30 times. There are other words that the author also uses that would indicate we need to be listening such as “receive” or be “attentive.”

The point that Solomon wants us to take with us from the book of Proverbs is that we need to listen to those that are wise. We need to willingly receive instruction from those who are wise. We cannot give knowledge and prudence (discernment) to others if we ourselves do not possess wisdom.

As I have gone through various situations in life, I seek to gain wisdom and prudence from those that have traveled the path of life before me. I diligently search God’s Word for answers to how to navigate difficult situations. I seek to have wise people in my life so that I can talk with them and ask them for direction. I spend much time in prayer seeking the Giver of perfect wisdom to discern how to handle a situation or navigate a difficult decision.

So when you are faced with a choice, no matter how great or how small, where do you turn?

As some of you may know, one of the things that I do is provide Biblical Counseling to others. I went through the requirements to become a certified Biblical Counselor. I was talking with one of my counselees this morning and she shared with me how important my encouragement to her to read God’s Word every day was. She said it has been so helpful in her life.

Are you reading God’s Word every day seeking to gain wisdom in the many situations you will face today? Start your day off with reading the book that God gave us so we know how to live in the way of wisdom and not the way of folly. This is the way “to know and to receive wisdom and instruction.”

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