
It’s Not Supposed to be This Way

In the last few weeks in our house, we have celebrated a college graduation and Mother’s Day. We have seen the governor of Michigan extend our “stay home” order until the end of May.

I have realized one thing: we all take the circumstances we are dealt and either make the most of them or long for what we want things to be.

I have been honored to watch my daughter who was supposed to graduate last Saturday handle the cards that have been dealt to her with grace and joy. There were tears and there was disappointment, but she decided to make the most of the situation. I don’t think any senior given the choice of virtual graduation or drive-thru graduation vs. the full regalia standard graduation would choose the graduation that they have been dealt this year. What I have seen along with all of you are brand new memories being made that no one else has ever made. What a unique graduating class these 2020 graduates are.

Denise, I am proud of you for standing tall and meeting the challenges of this year with grace and joy. You have had many difficult experiences in your life and you have chosen to not allow this disappointment to be “the last straw” rather you have chosen to let this disappointment be another experience of growth. Watching you go through yet another challenge in life reminds me of the following verse.

“No only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” (Romans 5:3-5).


I have seen you endure and fight hard to get back in shape after brain surgery and two ACL repair surgeries. I have watched you suffer through multiple disappointments in life and seen you become more empathetic with those who suffer. You have compassion on those who are hurting. You are strong as you meet life challenges.

As we celebrate Mother’s Day, I couldn’t be more proud, Denise, to be your mom, and as I have watched my other two girls go through various trials and joys in life, I realize that God has given me a front row seat.

As a parent, God gives us these sweet ones to raise and nurture and influence for His honor and glory. What an amazing privilege. As parents, God has entrusted us with a treasure. Each one of these children that God has given to us is a special individual that God has made in His image. Each child is like a priceless diamond that God has given to us to protect and raise for Him.

As we raise our children and live each day, how will we respond to the trials of our days? How will we respond to the continued stay home order? How will we respond when we go through trials? How will we respond as our children go through trials?

Every day, our children are watching. We may not think about them watching and they do not realize they are watching, but they are.

If we want our children to face the challenges of life with courage, we must too. If we want our children to face the challenges of life with God, we must too.

So Mamas and Daddys, remember the treasure that God has given to you each and every day. Live out your faith before your children. Show them a love that is overflowing. Show them a compassion that will reflect the compassion of your heavenly Father.

Denise, I am proud of you. I am so proud of your accomplishments. This graduation and the diploma that goes along with it did not come with ease, but rather with much fight and tenacity. You have worked hard to get to this point, and as your mom I could not be more proud.

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Happy 22nd Birthday, Denise

Happy Birthday, Denise! You are an incredible blessing to our lives. It is hard for me to remember a time when I was not a Mom. The last 20+ years have been the biggest blessing in my life. I never knew that being a Mom would be so fulfilling and rewarding, and I am so thankful that God has given me the privilege to be your Mom!

I am so proud of the young lady you have become. God has sent to you many trials and you continue to grow stronger and more mature with each trial. I have never heard you complain in the midst of each trial. You just keep looking for the positives and allowing God to stretch you and grow you through them.

You have had brain surgery, two ACL repairs, and now the end of your senior year in college has been disrupted by a small little virus. You have missed out on so many things, BUT you have chosen to not let the trials dictate your response. You have chosen to continue to hope and trust in the Lord. You have chosen to make the most of each situation. You have chosen to take the negatives and make them into something positive.

I love your heart for discipleship. It shows that the love you have for God is something you want to share with those who are around you.

I love your heart for children. You love them with an unconditional love. Not just do you love them, but they love you. Kids are drawn to you.

I love to work outside with you. We seem to be able to turn any work project into something fun.

You love to work with your hands, and get them dirty. You also enjoy keeping them clean while you make something creative in the kitchen.

Your smile and laugh light up any room and bring joy to anyone’s face that hears it.

You have a heart for serving our Lord by serving others.

So today, on your birthday, I know that this is not the way you had planned to spend your birthday, but I hope that you see this day as you have seen all the other days that didn’t turn out quite how you thought they would. I hope you continue to see all the blessings in your life. I hope you see all the people that love you AND you feel loved and cherished. I hope that today is another day in your life that you continue to see God’s faithfulness in your life.


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