
Glory to God

Purpose, we all want to have it. We all want to know that our lives have meaning and that we are not just on this earth to exist and then die. The dictionary definition of purpose is “the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.” During this Christmas season, I think many of us find purpose in buying presents for others, or giving to charities, or donating our time to help at a local food bank. What happens when Christmas is over and all the benevolence that we feel during this time of year disappears? What happens when the Christmas spirit is gone and we begin to get lost in the dreariness of January? The joy of the Christmas season lifts many of our spirits. We have all struggled with the doldrums that this pandemic has brought us and many have embraced the joy of the Christmas season earlier than normal. I have seen many houses decorated for Christmas earlier than normal.

Once Christmas is over and the dreariness of January sets in, how do we keep that Christmas spirit alive? The pandemic will not be over. It will take some time to get the vaccine administered.

How do we keep the joy and happiness that Christmas brings in our daily lives? We must look at Scripture to understand our purpose. If the Christmas spirit only comes out of us during the Christmas season, than we have not truly understood our purpose.

“Everyone who is called by my name,

whom I created for my glory,

whom I formed and made.”

(Isaiah 43:7)


As believers in Jesus Christ, we have a singular purpose: to bring glory to God. That’s it. What brings us joy is not the circumstances that affect our daily lives: the kind of car we drive, the house we live in, who our friends are, a smooth day at work, etc. Our circumstances do not affect our joy. Knowing that our purpose in all situations is to bring honor and glory to God brings us joy.


No matter if we are sick with Covid or in quarantine because of exposure, if our car quits working, or we lose our job, we should be seeking to bring glory to God in any of these situations. What is your response to the hard times? What is your response to the good times?


If you are a garbage collector, unemployed, or the CEO of a company, the joy you experience needs to come from bringing glory to God in all situations.


There are so many stories of people who went through times of terrible heartache and loss and rather than feel sorry for themselves, they chose to bring honor and glory to God in the midst of the trial.


After Job’s trial he said, “I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.” (Job 42:2).


After Joseph’s trial he said to his brothers, “You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good.” (Genesis 50:20)



Will you be faithful and give God the glory in the little things, knowing that this will bring joy? Or will you always be striving for the next external circumstances to bring you joy? There is nothing in our lives that God is not aware of. There is not one thing in our life that He did not orchestrate for our good and His glory. Can we be faithful in the small things like Joseph and glorify God through them or will we choose to be like Naomi looking at the circumstances of life and changing our name to Mara which means bitter.


What is your purpose? To bring glory to God no matter the circumstance or wait for your circumstances to be perfect so you can derive happiness from them?  You do have a choice.

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“I Hate Covid”

“I hate Covid!”  I received this text from one of my daughters recently. How many of us have had similar thoughts and sentiments? The disruption to people’s lives and their incomes is something we cannot fully wrap our heads around event though we have all lived through it. We all have our own opinions regarding what the government should and should not be doing. We all have different opinions regarding what they can mandate and what they cannot. We all have had different and varied responses over the course of this long and drawn out virus. One day we are complicit and the next day we are over it all.

So when these thoughts and feelings creep up into our thoughts and hearts of “I hate Covid!” What should our response be?

First, we must remember the most important thing about this situation and that is God is Sovereign. That was my first response to my daughter. I think the person from Scripture that we can find the most comfort in through difficult times is Job. At the end of the trials he went through he said to God, “I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.” (Job 42:2). God has a purpose in all things and we need to trust His purposes even though in our human minds they do not make sense. God’s purposes are much greater than ours. We must also remember, that nothing takes God by surprise. He knew all about this virus before it even appeared.

Over the course of the last 6 years, we have raised 4 puppies for Leader Dogs for the Blind. When we get those puppies at 7 weeks old, they are sweet and cute and cuddly. Yet, they have so much to learn. I know what their purpose is as I train them, but they do not understand their purpose. What they understand is if I sit, I get a treat. If I walk nicely on the leash, I get a treat. They function based on the rewards they receive. I know their purpose, so I train them and treat them accordingly.

God also has a purpose for each of our lives. The more we desire to submit to His will and learn what He has to teach us, the better we are to be “conformed to the image of His Son.” (Rom. 8:29). None of us like trials and tests. No one wants to go through a hard time. One of our puppies did not respond as well to the training as she should have. She resisted often the training that she needed to participate in and because of this resistance she was career changed from her original purpose to one of being someone’s pet. Her purpose at birth was to be a Leader Dog for the Blind, but because of her resistance to training her purpose changed.

God has a purpose for each of our lives. “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” (Eph. 2:10). The question is will we willingly submit to His plans and purposes or will we turn from God to try to follow after what we deem to be a better plan?

Second, we must remember to be thankful for all things. “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (I Thess. 5:18). This was my other reminder to my daughter. Be thankful. I reminded her of all the blessings she has experienced because of Covid. I think we can all think of something to be thankful for because of Covid.

As hard as this never ending Covid saga is, we must remember two things:

  1. God is Sovereign
  2. Be thankful for all things

I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving and remember to be thankful for all things and thank God for His sovereignty.

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