

Grumble – just the word itself sounds negative and discouraging. Grumbling is an expression of discontent or complaining. How often do we find ourselves with a feeling of discontent and we want to be sure that everyone else knows about it.

I am reading through the book of Numbers in the Bible and the grumbling of the Israelites always brings about the same response from, “what is wrong with them?” They had been slaves in Egypt, and God showed up in a big way demonstrating His power by inflicting the Egyptians with the 10 plagues and then parting the Red Sea so they walk on dry ground. What an amazing demonstration of God’s power and abilities and care for His people.

God helped the Israelites, which numbered over one million people, to walk out of Egypt with all their belongings while also being given things by the Egyptians, and cross the Red Sea on dry ground as free people. Only God could orchestrate such a grand feat. Imagine being part of that whole amazing process. Watching the 10 plagues take place before your eyes. Watching Pharaoh let the Israelites leave. Then walking between 2 walls of water on dry ground.

As if that wasn’t enough, God provided manna for the Israelites to eat. They didn’t have to work for it; they just had to go out and pick it up. All they needed to pick up was enough for the day.

There were multiple instances of the Israelites grumbling, but the one that amazes me the most is the following excerpt from Numbers 11: 4-6:

“…And the people of Israel also wept again and said, “Oh that we had meat to eat! We remember the fish we ate in Egypt that cost nothing, the cucumbers, the melons, the leeks, the onions, and the garlic. But now our strength is dried up, and there is nothing at all but this manna to look at.”

So they wanted to eat fish that cost them nothing. They were slaves. Had they forgotten that little bitty fact? The fish cost them something. It cost them their freedom.

So fish, cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions, and garlic are more valuable than freedom. At least from their current vantage point, that is what seemed valuable.

If you remember from Exodus 2:23 “During the many days the king of Egypt died, and the people of Israel groaned because of their slavery.”

When they were slaves, they weren’t happy. When they were free they weren’t happy. When they heard about the people in the Promised Land they were going to have to defeat, they grumbled. As you continue to read through Numbers, you see the Israelites grumbling. No matter the situation, they were discontent.

Being discontent with our current situation is what causes us to grumble. Discontentment is the heart attitude.  If you ever wonder what is in your heart, look at what comes out of your mouth or is seen in your actions.

No matter the situation, do you grumble and complain about it? You have a heart attitude of discontent. Other people that are around you know if you are a grumbler and a complainer. Ask them and find out what they think.

If we put off discontent, we must put something on. What is the new heart attitude we should strive to have? Thankfulness.

“For although they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks to Him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened.” (Romans 1:21).

No matter the circumstance, we are called to be thankful. When a situation happens, God is sending it your way to reveal what is in your heart. Take some time to evaluate what comes out of you in response to the circumstance.

You have a choice. What will you choose?

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Grumbling and Mumbling

Grumbling and Mumbling

I have come to the conclusion that I am a grumbler. In other words, I am not a thankful person. I also am always finding something to complain about.

I am cold.

I am tired.

I am hungry. (I say this a lot)

I am not happy about my job.

That costs so much money.

There is too much to do.

Can you relate to any of these things? My poor husband must cringe every time I open my mouth. What is she going to complain and whine about now?

I am reading through the book of Numbers right now, and God smacked me right in the middle of the forehead with Number 21:5.

“For there is no food and no water, and we loathe this worthless food.”

So the Israelites were wandering around in the dessert because they did not trust God to take care of them when they went into the Promised Land, and “they grumbled against the Lord.” (Numbers 14:1). After the report of the spies, 10 spies had a bad report and 2 spies had a “I trust in God report,” The Israelites grumbled against the Lord and God said that’s fine you grumble against Me, you can wander in the wilderness for 40 years.

Apparently, they didn’t get the message.

God supplied for them manna and quail every day, and what did they say about the provisions of God?

“There is no food and not water, and we loathe this worthless food.” (Numbers 21:5)

The food that they have, that has been sustaining them, is not what they want; so they consider it that they have no food. The food that God has been miraculously supplying them they call “worthless.”

How worthless is something that keeps you alive?

As I have read through the book of Numbers, the Israelites are characterized as being grumblers. It seems that with each event that happens in their lives they grumble about it.

As I considered this scenario, I thought about Daniel.

“He got down on his knees three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before God” (Daniel 6:10)

Isn’t that quite the contrast to the Israelites who are ungrateful for the life sustaining food that God provides for them? How self-centered they were because they did not have the Egyptian food that they had had as captives. Not only that, but God had told them that the Promised Land was a land flowing with milk and honey. Yet, when they referred to Egypt they said, “You have brought us up out of a land flowing with milk and honey, to kill us in the wilderness.” (Numbers 16:13).

Not too many days earlier “the people of Israel groaned because of their slavery.” (Ex. 2:23).

They want freedom on their own terms. They don’t want to follow God and the path that He has for them. They don’t want to be thankful for what they have. They just want to whine, grumble, complain, and be ungrateful for what God has done for them.

So let me ask you, do you grumble and complain about what God has given to you?   I do. I am no different than those Israelites. I started praying as I went through my house for the many wonderful things that God has given to me.

What on earth do I have to grumble about?

Jesus paid my sin debt that I could never pay. He gave me His righteousness that I could never earn (justification). He loves me with a love that I can never repay.

Tell me what I have to grumble about? Tell me what you have to grumble about?

Let us as Christians make a pact together to be viewed by those who don’t know our Savior as the most thankful of all people. Let no word of grumbling come out of your mouth, but only that of praise and thanksgiving. Wouldn’t that change our world?

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