As I sit here in the peace and tranquility of my house looking out the windows at the beautiful sunshine, I so appreciate the calm that I enjoy here. Only a few hours ago, I was out in the chaos with more shoppers at Sam’s Club than I had ever seen and more empty shelves at Meijer than I had ever seen. People in the stores wearing masks and gloves. The news awash with “school closings, restaurant closings, virtual meetings” and canceled gatherings of more than 10 people depending on what state you live in. We are all living in this historical moment. The moment that our children or grandchildren will read and study about in the history books.
What I think everyone needs is a little perspective.
God is Sovereign
First, we all need to realize that God is sovereign. No matter what happens, God is on the throne and He is not surprised by any of this. We can trust Him and know that He always has a purpose for all things that happen to us. We may not like anything about any of this, but we do know that nothing is outside of God’s control. God “works all things according the counsel of His will.” (Eph. 1:11).
Wash your hands
Second, as with any other sickness, the same hygienic rules need to apply. WASH YOUR HANDS! It is proven that washing your hands is better than using hand sanitizer. If there is no way to wash your hands, then use hand sanitizer. Also, if you are sick, stay home and keep your germs to yourself. This is one instance where selfishness is preferred.
Don’t panic
Third, don’t panic. “God has NOT given us the spirit of fear, but of power and love and self-control.” (II Tim. 1:7). When I was at the store today, I did not see any fighting or brawling but there definitely was fear. The biggest fear that most have is the fear of the unknown. No one knows how long this is going to last for or what the outcome will be. Let’s be examples to others and not live in fear.
Be respectful
Fourth, when did it become okay to disrespect those in authority over us? I know that no President has ever been perfect but I do think that President Trump is doing his best to serve our country well. He has advisors around him that give him sound advice. It is sad that he was so criticized for his speech that he gave closing down flights to Europe. I heard he wasn’t sympathetic enough or caring enough for the predicament of the American people. I feel so bad for President Trump. Constant criticism and yet I wonder how much sleep he gets, how much time to rest, how much time to enjoy dinner with his family. There seems to always be one crises after another. I think we should be praying for our leaders rather than constantly criticizing them. I am glad that they are working at trying to do their best at protecting the American people. The leaders of our countries are not making arbitrary decisions, they are making decision that are informed.
Let’s be people of prayer and peace. I Timothy 2:1-3 tells us to “…pray…for kings and all who are in high positions, and that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. For this is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior.”
Let’s be people of prayer and peace.