I have two favorite Proverbs, Proverbs 3 and Proverbs 31. I often pray Proverbs 3: 1-9 for people, but my aspirations is to be like the Proverbs 31 woman. Proverbs 3 lived out in life is certainly an avenue to become like the Proverbs 31 woman.
I like prescriptions and procedures. Don’t you? When you are reading an article or a blog, are we not all drawn to the steps toward a certain goal? I typed into Google “steps to a new you.” The 1st three listed were “5 steps to a new you,” 10 steps to a new you,” and “15 steps to a new you.” I would much prefer only to have to do 5 steps and I can become a new me.
Proverbs is like a handbook that tells us how to be wise and not to be foolish. Proverbs is the steps we need to be wise, in essence to be a new you. If you do not follow what Proverbs says about becoming wise, then you will be foolish.
Do you want a new you? Do you want a better you? Do you want a you that brings glory to God? Let’s see what Proverbs 3 says about how to be that person. What we are going to see may seem repetitive to what we have already seen in Proverbs 1, 2. The thing about repetition is that we know that if the same thing is said over and over again, we know it must be important.
“My son (or daughter), do not forget my teaching, and let your heart keep my commandments. For length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you” (Proverbs 3:1, 2).
Let’s look at four things that we can have when we follow God’s path for our lives.
Long and peaceful life
Do you want a long life? Do you want a peaceful life? According to Proverbs 3:1 in order to have a long and peaceful life, we need to remember and keep or live out the wise teaching God has given us: wisdom in His word, wisdom from wise parents, and wisdom from those that have lived life according to God’s Word.
Favor and good success in the sight of God and man
According to Proverbs 3:2 steadfast love and faithfulness will provide us favor and good success. There are many relationships that have conflict. There is not a day that goes by that many of us do not experience conflict with family, friends, co-workers, customers, etc. How do we avoid these points of conflict or how do we effectively work through them? Show love to others and be faithful to God’s Word. If we live in relationship with others selfishly, we will have many points of conflict.
I am currently reading a book about being a peacemaker. (The Peacemaker by Ken Sande). He talks about four principles that we need to use in the midst of a conflict.
- Glorify God
- Get the log out of your own eye
- Gently restore
- Go and be reconciled
These principles are the principles that Solomon was trying to help us understand in this Proverb. How do we have favor and good success with God and man? Have steadfast love and be faithful. In other words, show others love and be faithful to God and His word.
He will make straight your paths
How do we have straight paths? “Trust in the Lord with your whole heart” When we trust in the Lord and various events happen in life, no matter how difficult they are, we trust the Lord and “do not lean on our own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5). So many circumstances happen in our lives and we look at these things and think, “why did God let this happen to me? This isn’t fair. I didn’t deserve this to happen to me. I have been obeying God’s word and living life according to what God has to say, and now this happened to me. I have been so kind to this person and showing them such love, and they treat me like this. I don’t deserve that. Why did this accident happen? Why this diagnosis?”
You could add so many more things to this list of things that don’t seem fair. What God wants us to understand is that even though it seems like difficult things happen, when “we trust God and we acknowledge Him in all of our ways,” “our path will be straight.” What we want to do is “lean on our own understanding.” Leaning on our own understanding, makes the way that we are on crooked. In our own understanding the way does seem crooked, but when we trust God our path is straight. Every circumstance that comes into our lives is meant to reveal what is in our hearts. These circumstances are meant to reveal the kind of person that we are.
“It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones” (Proverbs 3:8)
Have you ever not felt well, especially your stomach, related to stress or anxiety or depression? Many times we have our stomach in knots or feel nauseated because of the things that are happening in our lives. We are trying to solve the problems that we have or deal with the difficult relationships that we have or make a decision that we need to make based on our own understanding, based on our human wisdom. The fear of the Lord is the main theme of the book of Proverbs. The opposite of fearing the Lord is being wise in our own eyes. If we do not fear the Lord in all areas of our lives, we are being wise in our own eyes.
What happens when we are “wise in our own eyes?” We seek out people that will agree with us on a decision, a problem, or how we handle a difficult relationship and they will give us the same advice that we want to hear. We consider this to be validation of what we think. What about when we are trying to make a decision or solve a problem and we pray about it, and decide we have peace from the Lord and it coincides with what we want? Does this peace we are experiencing actually come from the Lord?
Ken Sande in the Peacemaker says “You won’t be helped by people who are likely to tell you what they think you want to hear (II Tim 4:3). Therefore, be sure you turn to people who will love you enough to be honest with you.” (p. 40)
How many people say that their life verse is Proverbs 3:5, 6 and yet when you look at their life, you don’t say a life of faith in God? Rather you see a life that is living by their own understanding and wisdom. If you are not sure the path you are on, seek out wise people and ask them. Don’t ask those that will agree with you, ask those who love you enough to be honest with you. Once you are on the right path you will experience peace, favor, straight paths, and healing.