Millie working on open back stairs

I like to find different adventures for Future Leader Dog Millie to participate in so when she becomes a Leader Dog she is not surprised by anything she may encounter. We went downtown Grand Rapids and did some more walking on the sidewalk. There are many different noises for her to be exposed to along with buses and cars whizzing past on the street. There are pedestrians and people on bikes. We went inside the B.O.B. in downtown Grand Rapids and found a great set of open back stairs. This kind of stair can be intimidating for a dog because they can see through them as they climb them. The opening is right at their eye level. Millie handled these stairs like a champ. We worked on going up and down these stairs quite a few times before I taped her. She still gets ahead of me by one stair so we will have to continue to work on this. As you will see in the video, there is trash on the stairs that she ignores. She does a much better job keeping stride going down than going up. This is something we will continue to work on.

Watch the video of Millie working on open back stairs

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