Month: January 2021

This is the Day that the Lord has Made

Have you ever prayed the same thing for a really long time and then realized that just maybe your prayer may not line up with Scripture, at least the intention of your prayer did not?

One of the things that I have prayed for my kids and husband and quite honestly anyone is to pray that they have a good day. My idea of a good day is to have nothing go wrong in their day. The world’s idea of a good day – No problems. No struggles. No trials. No heartbreaks. No dilemmas they couldn’t solve. No sadness.

Is that God’s idea of a good day?

I keep thinking about Psalm 118:24 “This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

Every day that we have is a gift from God. Even in the midst of this pandemic, no matter the day that God gives us, it is the day He has made for us. Even if I have a flat tire, it is a good day that I should rejoice in because it is the day that God has for me. Even when I have to cancel or change my plans because of the virus, it is still the day that God has for me.

I needed a change of perspective in my prayers. Every day that I wake up is a gift from God. Every day that He allows me another breath is a gift from God. Each day that I can serve someone else and show them the love of Christ is a gift from my heavenly Father.

So when my new puppy is difficult to manage, God has a reason for that. When I face decisions in life and am not sure what direction to go, God also has a reason for that. When people in life are not always easy to get along with, God reminds me to seek Him and seek to minister to them as He would.

I am sure you could make your own list, but each event in life that happens is not something that takes God by surprise. Even though we may not look at the events that happen in life as good, God always has a purpose and a plan that will not be thwarted and will bring Him glory.

As we face a new era with a new president and his leadership, we must not forget that even these days are days that God has made, we must rejoice and be glad in them. These days in our country as a Bible believing and Bible following Christian will be a challenge.

Will we rise to the occasion and take a stand for what is right, what is true, and what is honorable to God?

How we take a stand will set us apart from those who violently take a stand. No situation takes God by surprise. Each is an opportunity for us to represent our Savior and Lord. As we see each day as an opportunity to share the love of Christ knowing that each situation may not be the one we would pray for as being good, God saw it as necessary to bring about His ultimate plan.

May you view each day as the day that God has made for you. Rejoice and be glad in it. Let your neighbor see, let you family see, and let your coworkers see that no matter the circumstances you will rejoice in the God who ordered your day.

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Is the Fear of Man the Best Thing for You?

“Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.” (Proverbs 29:25)

Last week, we looked at what a snare is. It is a trap that either ends very poorly or else it ends without us being able to move. We looked at two things that are in actuality the fear of man, but we like to label things that are sin in a way that makes it seem more palatable to us. We talked about peer pressure and over commitment last week.

This week we will talk about a few more things that we would consider to be “the fear of man.”

People Pleaser

  1. Being a people pleaser – This sounds pretty tolerable to us. We just want to make other people happy. What could be so wrong as to make someone else happy? After all, doesn’t the Bible say we are to serve others? So trying to please others has to be a good thing. How would it fall into the category of “fear of man?” Have you ever done something so that the other person doesn’t get angry at you? Done whatever was necessary so you didn’t get yelled at? I have. The problem is that the cycle never ends. Rather than serving the other person, I am helping them to serve their idolatrous lusts. We talked about this topic a few weeks ago. “When someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness.” (Gal. 6:1). Our duty before God is to serve others, but not to assist them in their sin. Being a people pleaser is similar to peer pressure.

We do something because we want to be accepted by the other person. We have in essence placed our value into the hands of the other person. We see ourselves as only having value if the other person or the “in” crowd gives us value. It is easy to see how this traps us and is also very exhausting. The “crowd” has an opinion that changes, so our value also changes. Not only is it a snare, but is also very unsettling. We also talked a while ago about our identity. If your identity is rooted in who God says you are rather than in what everyone else thinks, the fear of man will no longer be an issue.


  1. Self-esteem – How many of us have either said or thought, “I have low self-esteem?” Low self-esteem usually means that I think too highly of myself. I’m too self-involved, I feel I deserve better than what I have. That one really stings. In other words, we are getting our identity from what others are thinking of us. Since it seems that others do not think too highly of us, than we feel poorly about ourselves. Do you see how this is a snare, a trap, a hindrance in our life. Our focus moves off what our identity in Christ ought to be and on to what our identity is according to the world, our culture, the people we surround ourselves with, or even what we see on T.V. and social media.

Decision Making

  1. Decision making – Do you make your decision based on what others will think of you? Do you second guess decisions because of what others might think? Are you afraid of making mistakes that will make you look bad in other people’s eyes? This looks like the last two that we have looked at. You are probably getting an idea of what the fear of man is now.

So what are you going to do about this? What do we do when we find ourselves so wrapped in what others think and try to “unwrap” ourselves? Look at Christ. Fear God. What does God say about who you are? What is identity in Christ? Focus on this rather on what everyone else in the world is saying about you. Look at what you have to give to others, not what you are going to take from them.

Be who God made you to be and claim your identity in Christ. That will give you a confidence that you have been looking for that always seemed to be out of reach. You are who God says you are in Christ. Nothing more and nothing less.

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What is the Fear of Man?

“Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.” (Proverbs 29:25)

Have you ever considered what the fear of man is? We talk about trusting in the Lord and fearing the Lord quite often in our everyday Christian and church circles, but do we talk about the fear of man?

What exactly is the fear of man? This verse says that the fear of man is a snare. Do you know what a snare is? It’s a trap. A snare is usually a noose type structure that is meant to catch its prey either by its foot or around its neck. Around its foot would cause it to not be able to move but still be alive. A noose, well we know that doesn’t ever end well.

So what is the fear of man that it either causes us to be unable to move or possibly ending very poorly? Here is a list of all the things we use in our current culture that are really the fear of man. I will try to explain them as I go so you understand the connection.

  1. Peer Pressure- Most of us know what peer pressure is and have even seen its effects on people. We dress a certain way. We say certain things. We do things because our peers are doing it. We try to “keep up with the Jones.’” Generally, these things are not beneficial to us or to those around us. Can you see how peer pressure can be a snare that ends in entrapment? Someone who begins to drink alcohol and drinks with friends begins to notice the draw of wanting more. No longer is drinking a thing to do with friends, it becomes a way to cope with the stress of life. This can lead to addiction and even death. This may be an extreme example of peer pressure, but what about the pressure to share a secret that you know because you are with a group of people that is gossiping. Not wanting to be left out, you also share a secret that would hurt the other person’s reputation or character. Now you have damaged someone else and have drug them into the snare of your weakness of peer pressure.
  2. Over Commitment – do you say “yes” when wisdom would indicate that you say “no?” How many times have you said “yes” to something at work or at church because you wanted to make sure everyone thought highly of you. I love the thought “when you say ‘yes’ to one thing you are saying ‘no’ to something else.” When my children were young, I would say “yes” to so many things. They were always good things, but in saying “yes” to all of those good things it took a toll on our family. Now I try to get input from my husband, daughters, parents, or friends before saying “yes.” I spend time in prayer regarding my decision first and foremost. I don’t want to commit to something because I want others to think highly of me, rather I want to commit to things because they would use the talents and abilities God has given me to serve others and glorify God.

In my effort to keep these posts something that is a quick read, I must conclude here and tell you to tune in next week. As you ponder these two points this week, remember that when we fear man it is a snare, but when we fear God it will keep us safe. Would you rather be in a trap that will restrict you or cause terrible consequences or fear the God of the universe who wants to keep us safe?

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New Year, New Resolutions

And so begins a New Year with all the hopes of things being different. Everyone hopes that somehow because we are in a New Year that Covid-19 will somehow have only been a bad dream and we will all wake up from our 9 month sleep and find the world as we knew it. Only, that is not the reality of our world. Covid – 19 is our reality and just like 9/11 changed our lives, so Covid-19 has changed our lives. We must accept these changes and learn to adapt to them rather than be controlled by them.

That is the hard thing about this virus, we all in some way or another are controlled by it. We can’t go into a store without a mask (at least here in Michigan). Kids can’t go to school as they normally did. Children cannot visit their elderly parents in an assisted living, nursing home, or other congregate living like they once could. Visitors in the hospital must be limited. The list is endless.

So in some respects we are controlled by the virus, but I propose to you that it all honestly is a mindset. When I go into a store with the requirement of wearing a mask, I don’t think I am being made to do this. Rather, I am thinking that I am doing this out of respect for others. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” (Matt. 7:12). Whether I think masks work or not is beside the point. The point is that we have a responsibility to treat others with respect.

I have purposed that my mindset is to respect others.

So, what things have you purposed for your New Year’s resolutions?

My biggest resolution this year is connection. Covid-19 has made it very difficult to connect with people as we once did. I love to entertain, and this year my entertaining has been very limited. Actually, non-existent. Even some of the things that we tried to plan had to be cancelled. I bet many of you have experienced similar things. So my goal for this year is to do a better job at connecting with people, but being creative with it.

I rarely pick up the phone to call anyone just to chat. I always have a purpose in my phone calls. I figure that if I am in the middle of something when someone calls than someone else must be too. Also, with the advent of text, most of us just text. That way we are not interrupting anyone. However, the connection isn’t the same. It’s better than no connection, but still not the same.

So my first resolution is to call people just to chat. So as to be conscientious of people’s time, we’ll only chat for 10 minutes or so.

My other way I have already been trying to connect with people is to go for walks with them. I have lived in a few different places in my life, and every time someone from the area I used to live in posts a picture of somewhere they have walked I always think, “I’ve never been there.” So that doesn’t happen here where we currently live, and have only lived for 4.5 years, I have been trying to go to different trails and walk them with someone. Every walk has been an adventure. Sometimes they take longer than I had planned, but the memories and the scenery are treasures.

Since Covid-19 has changed the landscape of our lives, I think the goals we establish for 2021 should take that into account.

Make some goals. Share them with me. And ask me how I am doing. Too often I get too busy with tasks and I lose sight of what is really important, and that is people.

Only 2 things last forever: God’s Word and people. We would be wise to invest our time in both.

Happy New Year!

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Six things to consider before buying a home

When you are buying a house that you plan to make your home, there are a few things that you should consider before making this purchase. It is generally the largest purchase that anyone will make during their lifetime.
There are six things you should consider before making this large purchase.
1. Maintenance: Every home will require time and money for upkeep. Be sure to check out the roof, the windows, the foundation. Will the deck need to be stained or refinished? Will the driveway need to be sealed?
2. Yard Work: The flower beds are beautiful and the yard is beautifully manicured when you go look at the home, but it does not get this way without some time, money, and hard work. Is that something you are interested in doing? My son-in-law is allergic to much outdoors. That could be you and you need to consider how you will maintain your yard once you purchase your home. Don’t forget the winter months when the snow starts to accumulate. I often look at driveways and have told my kids more than once “I don’t want to drive up that one in the winter.” Consider all seasons.
3. Homeowner’s Associations: Some subdivisions have them others do not. Some have a gentleman’s’ agreement association. We have one of these where we live. It covers our road since it is a private road. Be sure to ask these questions and know the answers before putting in your offer.
4. Inspections and testing: This is helpful so you know what you are buying. Many older homes will not meet the 2021 building codes, so be sure to remember these things as you are looking through your inspection. A home that has a well and septic will have separate inspections that will be done at the seller’s expense but with the inspection report provided to you. If you have a question ask before purchase. It is always a good idea to have as much knowledge as possible. Remember no house is perfect.
5. Commute: What is the distance you are willing to drive in order to get to where you want to go? When we moved to this area, I had to get used to longer distances to get anywhere. Now when I go back to where we used to live, I feel a little claustrophobic. I certainly enjoy the space we have here in West Michigan.
6. Environmental Noise and Lighting: Stop, look, and listen. Maybe the road doesn’t bother you. Maybe the high traffic-area will not be a concern for you.
None of these points may be deal breakers, but they are definitely something worth considering. If you are considering purchasing a new home, please PM me or give me a call. I would love to help you welcome in the new year with a new home.

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