Month: October 2020

Who Are You?

Have you ever heard someone say or even said yourself, “I don’t know who I am?” I know there was a time in my life when I said that. I assume there are many people that during this time of change due to the pandemic there are many people that have lost sight of who they are. Their jobs have changed, or they don’t have a job. They used to be out with people all the time and now they are home looking at the same four walls and computer screen. Zoom meetings and conference calls just are not the same. Granted many people are seeing their lives return to a new normal that involves more social contact, but it is still not what it was.

Too often we begin to look ourselves through the roles that we hold rather than the identity that we have been given. When we no longer function in the same capacity at our jobs and that role has changed, have you lost your identity? When the kids grow up and do not need you like they used to, have you lost who you perceived that you were? Did you gain your identity from your role?

Our roles change throughout life. Children grow up and become parents. Students grow up and become teachers. Employees become the employer. As we advance each day of our life, our roles are changing. However, these roles are not our identity.

Too often, these roles do become our identity, and when these roles are taken away from us or they change we begin to experience emotional upset. We experience a mid-life crises, depression, anxiety, fear, anger, etc. The parent whose children have grown up and are now on their own look at life as if it has no purpose. The employee that has worked for the same company for 30 years all of a sudden is let go due to budget cuts no longer knows who he is or what his purpose is.

These are all difficult situations that so many have found themselves in due to this pandemic. Lost jobs, change in jobs, change in work location, change in parenting, etc.  I do not at all want to discredit the challenges of each of these changes, but we must not look at these changes as a change in our identity. Our identity should never change.

Let me say that again. Our identity should never change no matter how much our roles change. So where do we get our identity? As a believer in Christ, I get my identity from what God’s Word says about me. These things that God says about me applies because I have put my faith and trust in Christ as my Savior. If someone does not believe in Christ as their Savior, these things that Paul has written about us in Ephesians would not apply.

Ephesians 1:4 “even as He chose us in Him…” You are chosen by God the Father. When you feel forsaken by man, never forget that God has chosen you.

Ephesians 1: 5  ”He predestined us for adoption to Himself as sons through Jesus Christ”  You are a son/daughter of God. If you feel forsaken by your family, remember that God has chosen you to be His child.

Ephesians 1:7 “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace.” You are redeemed and forgiven. We deserve hell and God has redeemed us and forgiven us. He sent Jesus to pay the price for our sins. A price that we could not pay.

So you are not the roles that you have. You are the identity that Christ has given to you. You are chosen, a child of the King, redeemed, and forgiven! Those things will never change. Hold onto and remember the identity that will never change rather than the role that can change on a dime.

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Even the Rocks Cry Out

Last month Dave and I did a bucket list vacation. We had never camped together before so we went “glamping.” (As our daughters fondly referred to it). We also went to the Upper Peninsula (UP) of Michigan, which we had never been to. I have lived in Michigan for 20 years and have never been to the UP so it was quite a bucket list vacation. We went to Tahquamenon Falls, Sable Falls, Pictured Rocks, the Soo Locks in Sault Saint Marie, and we stayed at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island. It was a wonderful vacation and God’s Creation was magnificently on display.

Have you ever seen the stars when there is no light pollution? The sky is alive with the light from the stars. I stood and looked up in awe and amazement of the beauty and wonder of our God. I had never seen so many stars.

The thing that amazed me the most was Pictured Rocks. Pictured Rocks is in Munising and is a wonderful display of beautiful colors on Sandstone rock. The colors come from different minerals. Red and orange (iron), blue and green (copper), brown and black (Manganese), and white (limonite) are the common colors that are seen.

As I listened to the recording tell us how these colors and these rock formations were formed, all I could think about was Luke 19:40 “I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out.” The rocks are crying out the glory of God. The rock is porous sandstone allowing for water with minerals to trickle through causing the staining. This could have only happened during the flood. This great amount of rock laid down in this way allowing for the water to flow through and displaying these beautiful colors from the minerals carried by the water could have only happened through the mighty power of an omnipotent God.

Yet, as we went on this boat tour the beauty is attributed to happening over millions and millions of years of formation. The world has been so blinded to the truth of God all around them in Creation. This year more than ever, I have viewed the beauty of the colors of fall and exclaimed out loud how beautiful God’s creation is. Do you ever praise God’s name out loud, even when you are by yourself, over the beauty of His Creation?

I then think if I am so overcome with emotion over the beauty that God has given for us to enjoy in His creation, how magnificent heaven will be. I rode my bike 20 miles this week and I started just before sunrise. The trail was awash with beautiful colors and the sun was rising giving off the beautiful colors of orange and yellow and it lit the sky. I was in awe of the beauty around me.

If that scene is so breathtaking to me, I cannot imagine heaven being better. But it will be because we will be with Jesus. Looking into the face of Jesus and being in His presence at all times will be even more magnificent.

As you go about your days, enjoy the beautiful sites that God has made for you to see. Take time to praise His name. So often I say, “Lord, do You see the beauty of these fall colors, this sunrise, these stars?” I know He sees it, but I want Him to know that I see it too and I am praising Him for it.

He made the world for us to enjoy and then praise Him for it. Do you?

If you don’t “I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out.” (Luke 19:40).

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Commit your work to the Lord

“Commit your work to the LORD,

and your plans will be established.”

(Proverbs 16:3)

I read this verse last month and it struck me in a different way. I have been reading a Proverb every day for years. I love how God brings different things to light at different times in our lives when we need them. It reminds us of His Sovereignty and of His care for us.

When we think of the word commit we think of fully dedicating ourselves to something. God wants us to fully dedicate our work to Him. As I read this verse, I was struck by the word “work” in this verse. I have 3 different things – work – that I do. I have been asking God for wisdom and direction in each of these, but never really thought about committing them to the Lord. As I started praying this prayer to the Lord, I began to see some changes.

God has given me the work that I do. He has seen me responsible enough and able enough to do that work. Do I turn around and commit it to Him? He has given it to me, do I give it back to Him knowing His plans are sovereign?

It is the laying the work that I do at His feet knowing that He knows what is for my best and for His glory. I began to pray “Lord, I commit to you my nursing job. I commit to you my real estate job. I commit to you my counseling job.”

As we commit our work to the Lord, then our plans will be established. It is the dependency on the Lord and the realization that He knows what is for our best. “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” (Rom.8:28).

I have been praying this prayer for my daughter who needed to find a job in her field, and God provided her one. It may not be exactly what she is looking for, but it is a job that will challenge her and she will be using her degree. Praise God for His goodness.

In the idea of committing, we are relying on God. When we do this, we realize our dependency on Him and also realize His sovereignty. We may never understand “the plans that are established” by us for the Lord, but we certainly can use what He has given us to increase our faith in Him.

So when you drive to work tomorrow and the next day, or you get out of bed and sit down at your desk because you work remotely “commit your work to the Lord.” He gave you that job for a very specific reason. Are you seeking to fulfill that reason? Yes, it is to help provide for our needs, but what about the people you work with. Do they know you are a believer because you are honorable in your job? Do they see the love of Christ in your words and actions?

As you begin to change your prayer, watch how God answers and then be sure to follow His lead.

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